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General Knowledge

18 Articles
1 Min Read

  ★ Pakistan = Urdu ★ India = Hindhi ★ China = Madarin Chinese ★ Bangladesh = Bengali ★ Japan = Japanese ★ Philippines = Filipino ★ Qatar = Arabic ★ Saudia arabia = Arabic ★ Singapore = Malay, Tamil ★ Sri Lanka = Sindhala,…

1 Min Read

■》. A landform that stands much higher than its surroundings: Answer: Mountain. ■》. Mountains occur in: Answer: Ocean as well as on land. ■》. Which is the world’s longest mountain system? Answer: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge. ■》. How long the Mid-Atlantic Ridge stretches: Answer: 16,000 km….

3 Min Read

?NPT stands for__________? A. Non-Poliferation Treaty????? B. National Protection Treaty C. Non-Resident Protection Treaty D. National Purification Treaty ?What is the Capital of Ecuador? A. Quito????? B. Islambad C. Dehli D. Maxico ?The Capital Asset Pricing model calculate expected investment_________? A. Risk B. Return C….